Phillip Phillips gets a Birthday Surprise at Rock in Rio


Phillip celebrated his 23rd birthday in Brazil on September 20th, and we had prepared a special surprise for him. A few minutes before he hit the ‘Rock in Rio’ stage, the RIR team and I entered backstage with a cake and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.

I’d like to thank the RIR staff that helped make this happen. I’m sure Phillip loved the surprise.
After that, they brought me to watch Phillip’s show from a very special place on the stage, it was unforgettable.
Check out the video and photos below.


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Interview + Surprise

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Credits: Rock in Rio
Photos by Raul Aragao 

Surpresa para o Phillip Phillips no Brasil – Surprise to Phillip in Brazil


Olá Philatic,

O Phillip fará dois shows no Brasil, um em São Paulo no dia 19/09 e outro no Rock in Rio, dia 21/09.
E como a maioria dos fãs sabem, dia 20/9 é aniversário do Phillip, e ele vai completar 23 anos aqui no Brasil, claro que não podemos deixar de homenagea-lo nesse dia tão especial.

E para demonstrar o nosso carinho por ele, nós precisamos da ajuda de todos os fãs! Nas duas apresentações, levem balões brancos e após a última música (Home) iremos cantar ‘Happy Birthday’ para o Phillip.
Fiquem ligados, assim que ele terminar de cantar ‘Home’, todos levantamos os balões brancos e começamos a cantar parabéns para o nosso ídolo.

Repassem para todos os amigos que também vão ao show. Vamos marcar esse dia como algo especial, e assim ele sempre vai se lembrar do carinho que nós, fãs Brasileiros, temos por ele!

Projeto FanBook
Um dos presentes que iremos entregar para o Phillip, é o FanBook feito com amor e carinho por todos os fãs do mundo inteiro, contendo fotos e mensagens. Temos certeza de que ele vai amar ver o quanto ele é querido por todos nós!
Obrigada a todos que participaram desse projeto!



Hi Philatic,

Phillip will come to Brazil for two concerts, Sao Paulo 19/09 and Rock in Rio 21/09.
as you know Phillip’s birthday is 9/20, and he will complete 23 years in Brazil, so lets make this day a very special day.

To show our love to him, we need the help of all fans! In both concerts, after his last song ‘Home’, let’s show white balloons and sing ‘Happy Birthday to you…’.
Stay tuned.

Spread to your friends. Let’s mark this special day, let’s show him that we are special fans, Brazilian fans!

Fanbook Project
The fanbook is done with love and affection for all fans in the world, with photos and messages. I’m sure he’ll love to see how much he is loved by us all!
Thanks to everyone who participated in this project!

Thank you guys!


Philatics: Fanbook project!


As you know, Phillip is coming to Brazil in september and I’ll try to meet him and give him a ‘fanbook’ by Philatics.
It will be a beautiful project, and I need your help to make it happen cause this will be one fo Phillip’ birthday gift. =]

What you need to do?
You need to send me a photo of you (a special photo), with a sign, or a personal photo and a text in email.
The photos must be in good resolution for printing.

The fanbook will contain Philatic’s photos and messages by fans.

Send your Photo/message to:

You can send a photo of your family, with your love, with your pets, photo with Phillip .. send the photo you want, be creative and send us a beautiful photo.
all the people who participate in this project will receive the fanbook in PDF format by email.

Thank you Philatics.

Deadline: 20/8/2013

Phillip Phillips 22th Birthday – Video Project

Hello Philatics around the world!
We are here to invite you to join us in this 2012 project for Phillip’s birthday! We want to make it great and worldwide, so do your best! =]

We’ll putting videos and photos together and make a beautiful video wishing a ‘Happy B-day’ to Phillip!.

If you choose to send photo:

• The photo must be with good quality – originality =)
• Try to take a good picture, then he can see you and see your art!

If you choose to send video:

• The video must contain only ‘video’ without ‘audio’, no music or talks, cause we’ll put a music on video.
• The video must have only 10 seconds (we’ll edit the video)
• You have to record your video in a place with good lighting =) showing your art.

How the send the stuff (video/photo):

• Send the photo/video to:
• Email Subject:  PP B-DAY

• Deadline to send your photo/video: September 16

If you send us more than 1 video/photo, we’ll choose the best one!
You can call your mom, dad, sister, brother, friends, dog, bird..and make a nice stuff! Let’s be creative to make a beautiful ‘sign/poster’.

We’ll make this beautiful video and And let’s show him our gift for his birthday! September 20
We’re counting on you to make this happen! Spread the project! :) Thank you! #PPBdayProject