Interview—Phillip Phillips: embracing family life, artistic vulnerability and independence

If you have been following Phillip Phillips’s career for a while, you know he is intensely private, humble, funny, and the embodiment of determination. But fans of his music know that underneath his jovial and relaxed demeanour lies an artist of a deep and quiet sensitivity who is not afraid to explore the more painful and confounding aspects of life, ambition, love and relationships.

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Phillip Phillips Releases Video for New Song Dancing With Your Shadows

Phillip Phillips’ new video for “Dancing With Your Shadows” dropped yesterday, March 1. “Dancing With Your Shadows” was released on February 10. It’s a moody, darker entry to Phillip’s usually more colourful video catalog. 

Since his debut in 2012, Phillip Phillip has experimented freely with his songwriting, most clearly in his second album Behind the Light (2014), where he explored the many ways in which a song can be shaped. Collateral (2018), while still a rich, multi-genre album, pointed in the direction his music has been taking in more recent years, which is leaning into more to-the-point songs that deliver their message efficiently. Continue Reading →

Phillip Phillips in San Antonio – Photos

Last Saturday, June 18, Phillip Phillips played a show in San Antonio, TX, as part of SeaWorld’s Electric Ocean Concert Series. It was, according to Phillip his “first full-band show since 2018.” This is certainly a cause for celebration!

Phillip took to Instagram to say how excited he was for the occasion and to ask fans to send him questions about touring life or really about anything. He said he will be answering the questions in future videos.

Take a look at his Instagram post and the setlist and some photos from the show below. Setlist and pictures all generously shared with us by Danielle Dee Fernandez.

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Unpack Your Heart
Raging Fire
Man on the Moon
Gone Gone Gone
Where We Came From
Love Like That
My Name
Stayin’ Alive (Bee Gees cover)

For all news about upcoming shows, make sure to visit Phillip Phillips’ official site.

Phillip Phillips Raises Funds For Phoebe Putney Health’s Coronavirus Relief Efforts In Albany, Georgia

Phillip Phillips took to Facebook Live yesterday, May 7, to do a fundraising concert from his home. The livestream was in support of  Phoebe Putney Health System’s coronavirus relief fund.

As Phillip explained in an Instagram post last week, his “small town of Albany [had] been hit disproportionately hard by the coronavirus,” and he wanted to help.

For the show, Phillip sat on a big couch decorated with lights and a blanket, while many of his past tour posters and accomplishments could be see framed on the wall in the background.

Similar to Phillip’s most recent livestream since the lockdown started, his wife Hannah and their son Patch (off camera) served as his audience, while Hannah also served as camerawoman, comment coordinator, cheering fan, and best of all, singing partner for one amazing cover.

If you missed it, or just want to watch again, check out the video below or visit Phillip’s Facebook page.

Set List
Hold On
Into The Wild
Man on the Moon
Love Will Bring You Home (Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors cover) – Duo with Hannah
Lead On
Gone Gone Gone


And earlier today, Phillip announced fans’ donations have almost helped him reach his fundraising goal of US $50,000! The donation link will be open until May 16. To visit Phillip’s fundraising page, click here.

You can also contribute to raise funds by purchasing select Phillip Phillips merchandise on his official store. All net proceeds will go to Phoebe Putney Health.

Continue to be safe everybody, and above all, be kind to each other–together we will get through this, PhillPhillcom.

Collateral Deep Dive – I Dare You

It stills feels so new, yet it’s been 10 months since Collateral, Phillip Phillips’ third album, has been playing on our phones, record players and sound systems. Received with unparalleled joy by Phillip’s fans when it was released on January 19, it is clearer now that the mood of the album is much more somber and understated than we previously realized. Continue Reading →