Phillip Phillips Frisbee and sleeping helps band bond
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“It was a lot of fun talking to Phillip – he really is just as nice and down to earth as you would think he is.” – Said Jenni
The Daily News sat down with “American Idol” winner and Winona State University Spring Concert performer Phillip Phillips before he took the stage Friday to talk music, touring and Minnesota weather.
What’s your favorite part of performing for college audiences?
“I wanted to connect with people around my age and build that fanbase for a lifetime, kind of build that family. They will let you know if it’s good or not, so that’s a scary thing as well.
“It’s not like being at a regular show, if it’s a radio event or a festival or something, these people that come out to your show, they’re going to let you know if it’s not good. It’s fun. I didn’t really go to a big college, so it’s nice to come around to colleges.
“I hope they enjoy it.”
You’re from Georgia, so what do you think of chilly temperatures and snow in the middle of April here in Minnesota?
“It’s not good. I got spoiled down south. We were down south and on the east coast a little bit, and got spoiled by some good weather. It felt really good. This is — it’ll be OK. It’ll be fine. It’s just weather.”
Have you had time to visit any restaurants or businesses in Winona?
“Nope, I have not. I wanted to go explore a little bit, I haven’t had time though. Next time.”
What are some of your goals for the future?
“I just want to be touring still, and I’m always going to be writing music, and maybe have some more albums out within the next 10 years or so, and hopefully people still coming out to the shows.”
You wrote most of the songs on your debut album, “The World from the Side of the Moon.” How is the experience performing one of your songs different than performing one written by a different artist?
“It’s nice. (The single) ‘Home,’ it’s fun to perform as well. I made it more my own and made it more from me now, but playing songs I’ve written and people were singing them, it makes you feel good. People like it.
“So it’s nice, it’s nerve-wracking, but it’s nice.”
“Home” has enjoyed a great deal of commercial success and broke digital sales records soon after its release. What do you think draws people to this song?
“I’ve heard a lot of different ways and descriptions of how it’s helped people through life situations.
“I’ve heard one where a family lost their son, and then there’s other ones where people have gotten married to it, so it’s used for a wide range of meanings. I think people connect with it.”
Do you have a pre-show routine?
“I pace around a lot, and I get nervous, so I eat a lot of cough drops, some hot tea. Just pray that we don’t suck.”
Source: Daily News
CW Stars Cam & Alissa sat down with Phillip Phillips to talk about his album, Idol, Duck Dynasty and more! Check it out!
Phillip Plays Family Feud
Source: CWColumbus
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Phillip Phillips was in Bowling Green for a stop on his current tour. WBKO TV sat down with him to discuss how his life has changed since he appeared on American Idol. He tells why he decided to become a musician and gives them some insight as to what what his life was like before the show. Check it out:
Source: WBKO
Phillip talks his fav TV, crazy groupies, and about HIS idol! Check out his new interview with Dana and Jeffrey from ‘106.1 BLI’ radio.
Follow @DanaAndJeffrey
Source: 106.1 BLI | Facebook Page